We have opportunities for everyone to get involved and to learn more about God's Word!

Sunday Morning:
Bible Classes start at 9:30 am
Worship starts at 10:30 am
Classes for all ages!
Wednesday Night:
Bible Classes start at 7:00 pm
Classes for all ages!
What to expect at Lake Forest:
Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper is taken every first day of the week and is to serve as a reminder of the death of Christ upon the cross for us (I Cor. 11:23-26).
In Acts 20:7 the Bible tells us that on the first day of the week, that Paul preached to those who were there. Certainly the Bible tells us of the importance of preaching the gospel in other passages such as Romans 10:14-15 and II Timothy 4:2.
We are also commanded in scripture to sing praises to our Lord. Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16 both give commands to sing.
I Thessalonians 5:17 commands us to pray without ceasing. Certainly prayer and petitions before God ought to be one of the most important part of our worship to Him.
We also see the command to give upon the first day of the week in I Corinthians 16:2, “On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come.”
Fifth Sunday Potluck:
Any month that has a fifth Sunday, we combine our culinary forces to indulge in a potluck that is abundant and delicious. Visitors are always welcome as we really enjoy this time to fellowship with one another!
Fifth Wednesday Song Services:
Any month that has a fifth Wednesday, on of our men leads a song services that devotes this special time to focusing on a theme and songs that relate. Men lead several songs, read scriptures, and meditate on our night's theme and its meaning.
New Convert's Class:
This class is for the newly baptized Christian. We go over Bible basics and core themes in the Bible. All are welcome, especially those that are new to the faith.

Bible Classes each Sunday and Wednesday for youth of all ages.
Vacation Bible School:
Fun for all ages really! Engaging and educational lessons, crafts, snacks and great fellowship. There are also classes for adults, so don't miss this event!
Youth Game Night:
We have a great time with devotionals, games, and dinner the first Friday night of each month. All youth are welcome!
Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes:
The mission of Lads to L2Lis to develop youth into Christian leaders. The youth work hard throughout the year learning how to present lessons, lead singing, participate in Bible Bowl, debate, puppets, create mass media items all in an effort to teach others and to spread the Word. We attend the Orlando L2L Convention Easter weekend every year.
Youth Camps:
Our youth attend Florida Bible Camp in June, Georgia Bible Camp in November, Exposure Youth Camp in December.
Annual Trunk or Treat:
Gather with us on the Wednesday night before Halloween to line our parking lot with fun, decorated vehicles and hand out goodies to our costumed youth. It's fun for all ages!
Other Youth Events:
Our youth participate in many additional events that help them to learn more about God's Will and fellowship with other Christian youth.

The Lake Forest men are very active here in the work. Our men are God’s leaders in the church and also in the homes.
Three of our men serve as elders, five serve as deacons, and many others serve as Bible class teachers, lead in services, and various other roles.
Men's Day:
Each year we host a Men’s Day; this is planned as an annual event to be held the last Saturday in January. We have doughnuts & coffee, guest speakers, singing, encouragement, as well as fellowship. Lunch is also provided.
Men's Night Out:
Once a quarter our men plan something fun for everyone to do together. Anything goes from dinner to bowling to paintball. The men get together and have fun and fellowship.

Ladies' Bible Class:
The ladies meet every Monday at 10 am at the church building for a weekly Bible study from September to May.
Ladies' Evening Bible Class: The ladies meet the first Monday (can vary) of each month at 6:30 pm at different locations (usually one of the ladies' homes). There is a new curriculum each year. We enjoy light refreshments, fellowshipping with like minded Christian ladies, and going over our lesson for the month and what we learned.
Annual Ladies' Day:
Every year we host a Ladies' Day, inviting all ladies from surrounding congregations, friends and family. Each year presents a new theme with breakfast, guest speakers, singing, and scripture reading. Our aim is to feed spiritually, encourage through fellowship and above all glorify God in all things.
Ladies' Night Out:
Once a month our ladies plan something fun for everyone to do together. Anything goes from dinner to painting pottery to karaoke. The ladies get together, kick their heels up and have fun and fellowship together.

"Go and Teach"